Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Oh the guilt...

I have not written here in FAR too long! My apologies to the person(s) who read. Haha

Well life has been pretty good overall. I have only one more term in my college career until I am officially a college graduate with a B.S. in Family Life. I am so excited! These past five years at BYU have really shaped the woman I'm becoming and I could not have asked for more amazing people to share it with over the years.

Speaking of amazing people, MY FAMILY IS COMING TO PROVO!! Since I'm graduating in the middle of the summer, they don't have a ceremony then. So I'll be walking in the ceremony in April and my parents and grandparents are coming all the way from New Jersey to see their little graduate!!! :) I am so blessed!

As for this summer... I'll be finishing up school, working for BYU Sports Camps, and hopefully completing my Dental Assisting course. I'm very excited for what the future holds, mostly because I have NO idea what it is!

On a side note, I am sooo excited for General Conference this weekend!!!! :) And hopefully I'll be better about writing from now on.



Jill said...

i am SO proud of you! i can't wait to see you at your graduation!

Mary Killion said...

So you picked the sports camps? Sweet. I'm sure you will meet plenty of people, ahem hotties, and it will be awesome!
That's so cool that your family will be out in Provo for graduation. PaRtAy! Wish we were there!

The Beauforts said...

I love reading about your life.... even if I've already heard it from you in person. You are amazing and I'm so very happy for you! Love you girlie!