I wish I could put this summer in a nutshell; that I could throw all the hours worked and dollars earned into a nutshell so that 4 months would feel like 4 days. Let me explain...
This summer has been great. I've been able to spend a lot of time with my family and friends and I've made more money in the last 2 months than I've made in any whole summer. I've enjoyed being by the ocean; the peace it brings is undeniable. But for the benefits, I've paid a hefty price.
I miss having support and having good friends surrounding me 24/7. Don't get me wrong, the people I have here are wonderful, but my friends in Provo have spoiled me with constant love and uplifting attitudes and I've never realized how much I rely on that. I'm counting down the days to be reunited with Shantelle, Brittany, Brennon, Chalece, Becca and everyone else who makes my life so complete.
My health has gone to the dogs. I honestly have no idea why, other than that I might be somewhat exhausted. I've been sick to my stomach at least once a week, foods that I used to love have made me ill, and to top it all off-I now have a kidney stone! (NOT COOL) I've been having migraines far too frequently, and I can't even tell you the last time I've had a restful night's sleep. I guess part of me hopes that my return to the West will put my body and mind back in line.
Basically, I feel like I've put myself on hold while I'm here, which definitely sucks. I'm working three jobs and trying to finish two Independent Study classes so I can graduate in April. The only people I hang out with are my Mom and Steve and the weather has been miserable the entire time I've been here, so even my days off are spent indoors.
I need to make this money. I need to spend time with my family. But where is the line? Where is the point where I crack and jump in my car and drive the 36 hours back to where life makes sense?
1 week ago
RIGHT NOW!!!! Come back hereeeeeeeeeee :) You deserve it, you've earned it!
I think you have too much on your plate, mi amiga. Three jobs + two IS classes + kidney stone + (whatever you want to add here) = craziness! You need a break even if everything tells you otherwise. And the Man upstairs is ready to listen when you are ready to tell Him.
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