Haha. I fooled you. You were bracing yourself for another depressing blog about my slim odds of ever getting married, and how anxious I am to get to the temple. WRONG!
I've been thinking lately about the amazing women who inspire my life and I decided to write about them a little bit.
Emma Hale Smith
Wife to the Prophet Joseph and probably one of the most amazing women to ever walk the earth. Don't believe me, please read "My Great-Great-Grandmother, Emma Hale Smith" by Gracia Jones (Ensign, Aug 1992) After reading this article for a religion class I was catapulted into studying Emma's life. This woman dealt with more adversity than most anyone in this mortal probation and she stood by her husband through everything. There's a song called Emma that my roommate (to be discussed momentarily) introduced me to, that I think captures her beautifully.
With the world on your shoulders,
When the nights had grown colder--
You seemed to weather every storm
With a queen's grace.
When you lost your husband;
When you buried your children.
I'm sure the angels stood in reverence as you prayed.
How much can one heart take?
Shantelle Smith
No relation to Emma, but another great Smith lady, nonetheless. Shantelle is my roommate. I've known her only since September, but she (along with my other two roommates) has impacted me more than she knows. She is a faithful woman. She has been loyal to the missionary she's waiting for (two years is a LONG time). And even when her life seems to be crumbling and crashing, there is a surety in her eyes that is undeniable--her testimony. I have never met a girl who lives her faith the way she does and to live with her and see her struggle and triumph everyday has been inspiring. A Rascal Flatts song reminds of Shantelle.
On your knees, you look up
Decide you've had enough.
You get mad, you get strong;
Wipe your hands, shake it off.
Then you stand.
Every time you get up
And get back in the race,
One more small piece of you
Starts to fall into place.
Vicki Stecher
Quite possibly the greatest influence on my life was someone else's mother. When I became friends with Dawnelle and Hannah (and their entire family), little did I know that in this family I would find my strength. This woman is my idol. She is the epitome of a woman of Christ. Balancing her children, her career, her marriage, and her own life--and all with grace and her own personal flair. She has more love in her heart than I have yet to know in my 21 years of living. She has more creativity than could be imagined by a thousand Picassos. And she has more strength than even the strongest man on earth. I have seen her struggle through hardship and come out trimphant with nothing but her faith and her family. She is everything I hope to be as a wife and mother. Even when she had her own life and her own family to tend to, she was always there to lift me up. A ballad by Faith Hill makes me think of my Mama Stecher.
You showed me how it feels
To feel the sky within my reach.
And I always will remember all the strength you gave to me.
Your love made me make it through.
Oh, I owe so much to you.
You were right there for me.
In my dreams I'll always see you soar above the sky.
In my heart there'll always be a place for you,
For all my life.
I'll keep a part of you with me.
And everywhere I am, there you'll be.
My Mother
I could never end a post about amazing women without writing about my mom. This woman is my other half. Literally. There are times when I don't know where I end and she begins. But, as far as inspirational, my mom is as great as they come. She is an optimist at heart and always encouraged me to follow my heart. She's helped me cultivate my talents with patience and instruction that I'm sure no one else on earth could match. She is a woman of poise, grace, and classic beauty. When I think of my mom, I think of Audrey Hepburn or Lucille Ball. Classic women who, when they walked into a room, caused everyone in it to rise up to their level. My mother inspires me to be a better woman. It is because of her that I can withstand so many things because she taught me that to make it in this world you have to have two things: resilience and class. It's kind of goofy, but this song from Annie will forever remind me of my mother and I think it somewhat captures her 'total package' attitude.
Who cares what they're wearing
On Main Street or Seville Row.
It's what you wear from ear to ear,
And not from head to toe that matters.
So senator, so janitor,
So long for a while.
Remember you're never fully dressed,
Though you may wear the best,
You're never fully dressed without a smile.
I have been so blessed to be inspired by some AMAZING women in this life and I can only hope and pray that as I continue to grow and mature that I will become someone who will make them proud.