Here she is! Obviously I stole the photo from some random auto website, but I've been too busy to take photos. But this is exactly what she looks like, color and all. Gorgeous, huh?! I am so excited!! Her name is Charli-Rae (I figured she needed a hyphenated name since it's a C-RV). Charli is short for Charlotte which means 'feminine' and Rae comes from a Japanese root meaning 'law' (my sad attempt at maybe not getting so many tickets LOL). But she drives like a dream and I look darn cute in it! Let me know what you think!
Charli-Rae is a real beauty! Can't wait to see her in the flesh and go for a spin around town!
she has arrived! i'm so glad~ and charli-rae is an excellent name choice. I simply can't wait to see you ride in her :). xoxox
PIZZA!!!! miss you!
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