Wednesday, April 2, 2008

So honorable...

So, the last few days have been insane! I have been lacking in both sleep and common sense, but not in blessings, apparently. I had 2 tests this week so far (one more still to come) and I found out that I got a 48/50 on the essay test I took!! SO awesome! I also took my medals exam today for Bronze Latin dance (for those of you who are ballroom-impaired, medals is when they bring in a professional adjudicator to judge our dancing on a national level) so anyway, I got HONORS!!!! My teacher said the highest score she's given so far is a 93 and I got a 91.3. So I feel really good about how I did. Especially considering that I haven't danced in about a week, and the fact that one of my toes is broken and missing its toenail. LOL 

Other than that, I feel the need to share the fact that life is GRANDE! I have been working really hard to say my prayers, read my scriptures, and stay as close to the Spirit and serve others as possible and I have been so immensely blessed because of it. I have never seen the Lord's hand so blatantly acting in my life. I know that by doing my best in everything I do and praying constantly for the Lord's assistance, that I cannot be denied the blessings that the Lord so eagerly wants to bestow upon me. I'm so grateful that the decisions I have made in my life, albeit not always the best, have lead me to be at such a great point in my life.

All in all, I am in love with life right now. I'm going to be auditioning for the BYU Spring Ballroom Dance team in a few weeks so I'm pretty excited about that. They say the Spring team is easier to get on to and this way when I audition for the harder teams in September, they'll already know my name and it'll be a step in the right direction towards knowing the right people to get me on the team. Boy do I love dance. =D

Well, that's all for now, I guess. I should do something a little more productive.


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